What Is Disability Insurance?

Disability insurance is designed to replace a portion of your income if you become disabled and are unable to earn an income. A disability can result from a number of causes, including an injury, a serious illness or a mental health issue.  And the duration of a disability can be either short- or long-term.

Types Of Coverage

Short-term disability (STD) coverage pays a percentage of your salary when you’re unable to work for a limited period of time due to an injury or illness and provides relief from stress and protection for your income while you recover.
Long-term disability (LTD) coverage is for situations where you need extended time and support to recover, or you are permanently unable to work, and will help protect your income over a longer period of time.

Why Do You Need Disability Insurance?

The peace of mind that income protection can provide is available for professionals, business owners, business executives, and full-time, part-time or home-based workers.
Whether you need to secure your main source of income or to supplement the coverage you receive from your employer or an association, we can help by providing a comprehensive and portable plan you can rely on throughout your working years.
A Disability Income Benefit provides you with a portion of your income should you be disabled because of Injury or Illness and unable to work and earn a living. There are different Elimination Periods (EP), (length of time to wait before benefits begin), and different Benefit Periods (BP), (length of time benefits will be payable), that will allow you to choose the plan that best suits your needs.

How Does It work?

  • Choose the amount you want and add optional benefits to customize your coverage.
  • Pay your monthly premium.
  • File a claim if you become disabled.
  • Receive your monthly payments when the waiting period ends. The waiting period is the number of days from the date you’re disabled until the benefit start date.
  • Your payments stop when your benefit period ends or you return to work.

Do you have questions? Give me a call 416-825-3091

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